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Admission for doctoral studies

For regular doctoral examination proceedings to commence, various conditions must be fulfilled, depending on the faculty. If you have found a supervisor for your doctorate (see Applying for Doctoral Studies ), the University must still nevertheless check whether your university qualification is equivalent to a qualification from HHU and, if necessary, the Examining Board or the Doctoral Commission must initiate a recognition procedure. This applies particularly often to university qualifications from abroad, but may also be necessary for special qualifications from study programmes at higher education institutions in Germany too. In general, such a recognition procedure must take place if the candidate:

  • Holds a German qualification from a study programme which is not offered at HHU
  • Holds a qualification which does not correspond to the doctoral subject
  • Holds a foreign qualification

The time period for recognition procedures varies depending on the department; candidates should generally plan for 2-4 weeks. Please consult your faculty or the relevant Doctorate Regulations regarding the exact requirements and rules on the procedure for admission to doctoral studies. In general, applicants not native in German also need to proof language proficiency in either German or English . Only after the admission to doctoral studies by the Dean's office you can official enrol for doctoral studies at the Student and Examination Office.

Detailed information on the regulations of admission to doctoral studies in the different faculties you will find at the following websites:

All information about doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law is available from the Dean’s Office of the faculty. Doctoral Studies lead to the academic title of Dr. jur. .  

Mathematics & Natural Sciences

The Doctoral Studies Office of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is responsible for its doctoral researchers. It is assisted by the Interdisciplinary Graduate and Research Academy (iGRAD) . Candidates may choose between the academic grades of Dr. rer. nat. or PhD in Natural Sciences.

Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Medicine are conditional on membership of the Medical Research School Düsseldorf (MedRSD). The academic grades of Dr. med. , PhD in Medical Sciences, Dr. med. dent. , Dr. rer. san. are awarded.  

Arts & Humanities

Candidates need to register for doctoral studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities in the Doctoral Studies Office. Doctoral researchers are also supported by the Graduate Academy philGRAD . The graduate doctoral studies are completed with the academic grade of Dr. phil. .  

Business & Administration

All information about doctoral studies at HHU´s Faculty of Business Administration and Economics can be obtained from the Dean's Office in the faculty. Doctoral studies lead to the academic title of Dr. rer. pol. .  

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At the Institute of Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Chemistry, you can start a Bachelor's, Master's or Diploma thesis at any time. The topics are based on current research fields of the working groups.

You can find the diploma and doctoral theses written at the Institute for Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Chemistry here.

Bachelor theses

Master and diploma theses, dissertations, habilitations.

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Dissertations and habilitations

Depending on the applicable doctoral regulations, you may be required to submit print copies of your dissertation to ULB or to publish your dissertation online via ULB’s document server. After submitting the required number of copies or uploading the corresponding file, we perform a formal check and issue confirmation of receipt.

The procedure for submitting habilitations is the same.

The procedure for publishing work online is explained step by step on the document server. Please contact University Publications Office (Hochschulschriften- und Tauschstelle) in case of questions about submitting your dissertation or habilitation.

Please submit your documents to the following address:

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On this page, you will find all the important information about bachelor, master and project theses at our chair.

In addition to our research topics and start-up ideas under "Topic selection", there are currently also topics in cooperation with external institutions, companies and start-ups to choose from.

If you are interested in writing a thesis at our chair, you should start selecting a topic in time and contact us.

Please send an e-mail to the person responsible for the topic (see below) with

  • matriculation number
  • course of study and semester
  • the successfully completed courses of your study program (e.g. Transcript of Records)
  • your desired topic (see below) OR a topic proposal for one at our research areas

In advance, the general requirements for theses must be fulfilled or be fulfilled shortly. Additional requirement to be able to write a project and/or master thesis at our chair is that at least one of our modules has been attended or is currently being attended.

The topic is within the research areas of the chair. You can choose from one of our suggested topics or propose your own topic. 

The following topics are available for selection (responsible for the topic area):

•    Digital Innovation and Business Models •    Digital Entrepreneurship             •    Digital User Experience (UX) •    Design and management of cybersecurity •    Consequences of Digital Health (Joris van Bohemen)

The topic is further narrowed down in an initial meeting with the supervisor. Based on this, you will prepare a two- to three-page research proposal. This contains the motivation of the topic, a first short literature review, the preliminary research question and the intended study design. The research proposal should facilitate a common understanding of the topic.

These topics are offered in cooperation with external institutions, companies and start-ups.

  • FinTech data platform for digital invoice management (117 KB, pdf, 17.07.2024)

After your supervisor has agreed to the research proposal and a second examiner has been found, you can register your thesis in the student portal under exam registration. You will then receive a confirmation of your registration by e-mail.

Please note that after successful registration you have three months to complete a Bachelor's thesis and six months for a Master's thesis.

Below you will find links to the examination regulations of the courses of study that are eligible to write a thesis at our chair.

Please discuss further details about the form and length of the thesis with your supervisor.

  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor Computer Science
  • Master Business Administration 
  • Master Computer Science
  • Master Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
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Bachelor and Master Theses

We are an international, collaborative and scientifically and socially progressive research group. Our research takes place at the interface of laser, plasma and accelerator physics. A mas­ter thesis (phys­ics, or med­ical phys­ics) in our group is typically centred on exploiting, and contributing to, experimental, theoretical and simulation-based R&D in our high-power, high intensity laser plasma labor­at­ory. We follow our route map towards electron and photon pulses of highest brightness, and applications such as free-electron-lasers and novel high energy physics and quantum electro dynamics experiments. Work will be embedded in an international team and collaborations. 

The goal for any master thesis is not only that it contributes to novel scientific experiments, but also that it can produce high calibre outputs that are to be published in scientific journals, either/or as standalone publication or as part of wider group publications. 

It is highly re­com­men­ded for you as an interested and enthusiastic student to take the mod­ule “spe­cial­iz­a­tion” with the topic “laser plasma phys­ics”. Please feel encouraged to get in touch with Prof. Hidding and team to discuss opportunities early in your decision making. The master thesis project may then be tailored to ensure an optimal fit to student and group interests, balance between experimental/theoretical/simulation-based work, integration into collaborative campaigns, contributions to external experiments etc. There are also opportunities for subsequent PhD projects within the group.  

Get in touch with Prof. Hidding and Dr. habil Cerchez for discussion on potential mas­ter thesis top­ics and arrangements.

The following topics are a selection of currently identified master thesis topics:

S hadowgraphy: snapshots of laser plasma wakefield acceleration

Ultrashort laser pulses undergo refraction in plasma wave density structures and “cast shadows” that can be exploited to visualize laser plasma wakefield acceleration in action. This powerful tool will be implemented at our Arcturus multi-100 TW class high-power laser to resolve details of wave formation, propagation and evolution and novel high-brightness electron beam injection methods. 

Further reading: 

  • Laser-plasma diagnostics, Vorlesung Prof. Georg Pretzler/Dr. Michael Stumpf
  • S. Schöbel et al., New Journal of Physics 24, 083034 (2022)

High power laser pulse diagnostics and optimization 

The ultrashort laser pulses that are used to excite plasma waves require high precision diagnostics in terms of pulse energy, duration, power, focus intensity, intensity profile, wavefront homogeneity etc. Various diagnostics such as wavefront sensors, adaptive optics etc. will be implemented and developed as crucial support for the understanding and optimization of laser-plasma acceleration experiments.   

  • Further reading: Nonlinear optics and Ultrafast lasers, Lecture Dr. M. Cerchez

Gas-plasma target design

The central building block of laser-plasma accelerator experiments is a gas target, which is then converted into a plasma by the leading edge of an incoming laser pulse via tunneling ionization. The gas density profile determines the plasma accelerator gradients and provides the backbone for any plasma wakefield acceleration. This project aims at the development and metrology of suitable gas targets, provided for example either by supersonic gas jets or constant flow gas cells.    

  • Supersonic gas jets for laser-plasma experiments, K. Schmid et al., Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 053304 (2012)

Laser-matter interaction at the tunnel ionization threshold 

Plasma can be exploited for acceleration and high brightness beam generation, but also as diagnostics. Tunneling ionization of gases by the electric fields of laser pulses at intensities just above the tunneling ionization threshold produce relatively cold plasmas within attoseconds. In turn, when they recombine on much longer timescales, they emit highly characteristic afterglow signals. This link can be exploited to realize high precision spatiotemporal synchronization and alignment of beams, and opens myriad of diagnostic opportunities during laser-particle beam-gas-plasma interaction.       

  • Plasma photonic spatiotemporal synchronization of relativistic electron and laser beams, P. Scherkl et al., Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 25, 052803 (2022)
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Mathematik an der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät

Die Mathematik ist seit Tausenden von Jahren eine der großen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen. Die Erkenntnisse, die sie gewonnen hat, und die Strukturen, die sie untersucht, sind abstrakt-gedanklicher Natur, stellen aber dennoch ein wesentliches Hilfsmittel zur Beschreibung und zum Verständnis der realen Welt dar. Ihre Bedeutung für die Natur-, Ingenieur- und Lebenswissenschaften ist fundamental und wächst ständig. Dazu spielt sie eine wichtige Rolle in Informatik sowie Wirtschafts- und Finanzwissenschaft.

Neu an der HHU?

Hier gibt es Antworten auf einige allgemeine Fragen zur Einschreibung.

dissertation math nat hhu

Summer School "Analytic and Arithmetic Groups" vom 19.-23. August 2024

Eine Veranstaltung des GRK 2240 mit freundlicher Unterstützung der DFG.

Jetzt fürs Deutschland-Stipendium bewerben!

Bewerbungen sind bis zum 31.08.24 möglich. ErstsemesterInnen und HochschulwechslerInnen haben eine verlängerte Bewerbungsfrist bis zum 15.09.24.

Studentische Hilfskräfte gesucht für das WiSe 2024/25

Das Mathematische Institut sucht ab sofort interessierte Studierende als studentische Hilfskräfte für Korrekturaufgaben im Wintersemester 2024/25.

MINT@hhu - Frauen in MINT-Berufen

MINT steht für Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik - das neue Projekt MINT@hhu unterstützt Studentinnen und Absolventinnen durch gleichstellungsfördernde Maßnahmen und Aktivitäten.

Informationen für Studierende

Start ins studium.

Alle Infos für Studienanfänger/Innen im Bachelor "Mathematik und Anwendungsgebiete"


Hier geht es direkt zu den Infos zu Lehrveranstaltungen des Math. Instituts.


Personen, die gerne in Fragen rund ums Studium weiterhelfen.


Die dfg-forschungsgruppe „strukturerhaltende numerische methoden für volumen- und übergangskopplung von heterogenen modellen“.

widmet sich der Modellierung und Simulation gekoppelter Systeme zur Beschreibung von magnetisierten Plasmen, komplexen Fluiden und elektrochemischen Prozessen. Frau Prof. Helzel ist seit 2023 mit 2 Projekten beteiligt.

Dortmunder und Düsseldorfer Wissenschaftler/innen kooperieren im GRK 2624

Die DFG fördert ab April 2021 das GRK 2624 " Biostatistische Methoden für hochdimensionale Daten in der Toxikologie " an der TU Dortmund, an dem auch Holger Schwender vom Mathematischen Institut beteiligt ist.

DFG-Graduiertenkolleg verlängert

Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft hat für das Graduiertenkolleg GRK 2240 Algebro-Geometric Methods in Algebra, Arithmetic and Topology die zweite Förderperiode bewilligt. Diese läuft von Dezember 2022 bis Mai 2027.

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Hier finden Sie eine Liste von ausgewählten Publikationen. (Hinweis: Benutzen Sie Strg+F zur Suche nach Stichworten).

Publikation Erscheinungsjahr

L. Berg, L. Schnorr, J. Wilkens, T. Heinzel, C. Rothfuchs-Engels, S. Scholz, A. Ludwig, and A. D. Wieck


Cells from Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) Using a t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) Protocol

Cathrin Nollmann, Wiebke Moskorz, Christian Wimmenauer, Paul S. Jäger, Ron P. Cadeddu, Jörg Timm, Thomas Heinzel and Rainer Haas


Benjamin Sanvee, Jakob Schluck, Mihai Cerchez, Dominique Mailly, Hans W. Schumacher, Klaus Pierz, Thomas Heinzel and Jürgen Horbach


Christian Wimmenauer and Thomas Heinzel

, 3512-3520


Schottky diodes with rolled-up nanomembrane electrodes

L. Berg, L. Schnorr, L. Merces, J. Bettini, C. C. Bof Bufon and
T. Heinzel,


L. Schnorr, O. Khoukhi, L. Berg, T. Heinzel, C. Rothfuchs-Engels, S. Scholz, A. Ludwig, and A. D. Wieck


Cathrin Nollmann, Christian Wimmenauer, Stefan Fasbender, Saskia Mayer, Ron-Patrick Caddedu, Paul Jäger, Thomas Heinzel and Rainer Haas


B. Horn-Cosfeld, J. Schluck, J. Lammert, M. Cerchez, T. Heinzel, K. Pierz, H. W. Schumacher, and D. Mailly


L. Schnorr , J. Labes , L. Kürten , and T. Heinzel
C. Rothfuchs-Engels, S. Scholz, A. Ludwig , and A. D. Wieck


René Lohmann, Beate Horn-Cosfeld, Jakob Schluck, Dominique Mailly, Nima H. Siboni, Hans W. Schumacher, Klaus Pierz, Thomas Heinzel, and Jürgen Horbach


B. Horn-Cosfeld, J. Schluck, A. Röben, M. Cerchez, K. Pierz, H. W. Schumacher, D. Mailly
and T. Heinzel


David Kersting, Stefan Fasbender, Rabea Pilch, Jennifer Kurth, André Franken, Marina Ludescher, Johanna Naskou, Angelika Hallenberger, Charlotte von Gall, Corinna J Mohr, Robert Lukowski, Katharina Raba, Sandra Jaschinski, Irene Esposito, Johannes C Fischer, Tanja Fehm, Dieter Niederacher, Hans Neubauer and Thomas Heinzel


Stefan Fasbender, Lisa Zimmermann, Ron-Patrick Cadeddu, Martina Luysberg, Bastian Moll, Christoph Janiak, Thomas Heinzel & Rainer Haas



C. Wimmenauer, J. Scheller, S. Fasbender, T. Heinzel


M. Cerchez, T. Chirila, H. Bettermann, B. Schüler, T. Heinzel



S. Herbertz, P. Aleksa, M. Zielinski, D. Welk, T. Heinzel


J. Schluck, J. Feilhauer, K. Pierz, H. W. Schumacher, D. Kazazis, U. Gennser, and T. Heinzel


S. Herbertz, D. Welk, and T. Heinzel


L. Schnorr, T. Heinzel, S. Scholz, A. Ludwig, and A. D. Wieck


N. H. Siboni, J. Schluck, K. Pierz, H.W. Schumacher, D. Kazazis, J. Horbach and T. Heinzel


J. Schluck, M. Hund, T. Heckenthaler and T. Heinzel


A. Leuschner, J. Schluck, M. Cerchez and T. Heinzel, K. Pierz and H. W. Schumacher



S. Fasbender, S. Allani, Ch. Wimmenauer,R.P. Cadeddu, K. Raba, J. C. Fischer, B. Bulat, M. Luysberg, C. A. M. Seidel, T. Heinzel and R. Haas


S. Fasbender, J. Schluck, M. Cerchez,

T. Heinzel, S. Sievers, K. Pierz and H. W. Schumacher


L. Schnorr, M. Cerchez, D. Ostermann and  T. Heinzel


S. Herbertz, M. Cerchez and T. Heinzel


J. Schluck, S. Fasbender, and T. Heinzel

K. Pierz and H. W. Schumacher

D. Kazazis and U. Gennser


M. Strungaru, M. Cerchez, S. Herbertz,
T. Heinzel, M. El Achhab,
and K. Schierbaum


B. Schüler M. Cerchez , Hengyi Xu ,
T. Heinzel , D. Reuter , A.D. Wieck 


B. Schüler, M. Cerchez, Hengyi Xu,
J. Schluck, and T. Heinzel

A. D. Wieck


M. Cerchez, H. Langer, M. El Achhab, T. Heinzel, D. Ostermann et al.

, 033522 (2013)













Hengyi Xu and Thomas Heinzel


D. Kazazis, B. Schüler, M. Granada, U. Gennser, G. Faini,
M. Cerchez,  and T. Heinzel


Hengyi Xu, T. Heinzel and I. V. Zozoulenko


Hengyi Xu, T. Heinzel and I. V.Zozoulenko 

D. Talukdar, U. N. Nandi, K. K. Bardhan, C. C. Bof Bufon, T. Heinzel, A. De and C. D. Mukherjee

Hengyi Xu, T. Heinzel and I. V. Zozoulenko
, 035319 (2011)

M. Cerchez and T. Heinzel
, 232111 (2011)

A. Shylau, I.V. Zozoulenko, Hengyi Xu and T. Heinzel

Hengyi Xu, T. Heinzel, A. Shylau, and I.V. Zozoulenko,

A. Tarasov, S. Hugger, Hengyi Xu, M. Cerchez, T. Heinzel, I. Zozoulenko, U. Gasser-Szerer, D. Reuter and A. D. Wieck


P. Roulleau, T. Choi, S. Riedi, T. Heinzel, I. Shorubalko,T. Ihn and K. Ensslin

C. C. Bof Bufon, T. Heinzel, P. Espindola and J. Heinzel

J. Klos, A. Shylau, I.V. Zozoulenko, Hengyi Xu and T. Heinzel

, 245432 (2009)


M. Cerchez, T. Heinzel, D. Reuter and A. D. Wieck


S. Barnoss, H. Shanak, C. Bof Bufon and T. Heinzel


Hengyi Xu, T. Heinzel, and I. V. Zozoulenko

, 045308 (2009)


M. Evaldsson, I. V. Zozoulenko, Hengyi Xu, and T. Heinzel

, 161407 (R) (2008)


S. Hugger, Hengyi Xu, A. Tarasov, M. Cerchez, T. Heinzel, I. V. Zozoulenko, D. Reuter and A. D. Wieck

, 165307 (2008)


S. Hugger, T. Heinzel and T. Thurn-Albrecht


S. Klinkhammer, Hengyi Xu, and T. Heinzel, U. Gennser, G. Faini, C. Ulysse, and A. Cavanna


Hengyi Xu, T. Heinzel M. Evaldson and I. V. Zozoulenko

, 245401 (2008)


C.C. Bof Bufon and T. Heinzel

, 245206 (2007)


S. Hugger, M. Cerchez, H. Xu, and T. Heinzel


Hengyi Xu, T. Heinzel, M. Evaldsson and I. V. Zozoulenko

, 205301 (2007)


M. Cerchez, S. Hugger, T. Heinzel and N. Schulz

, 035341 (2007)


C.C.Bof Bufon and T. Heinzel

, 012104 (2006)


T. Heinzel


C.C. Bof Bufon, J. Vollmer, T. Heinzel, P. Espindola, H.  John, and J. Heinze
,19191 (2005)


S. Meckler, T. Heinzel, A. Cavanna, G. Faini, U. Gennser, and D. Mailly


S. Hugger, R. Thomann, T. Heinzel, and T. Thurn-Albrecht

, 932 (2004)


T. Heinzel, R. Jäggi, E. Ribeiro, M. v. Waldkirch, K.Ensslin, S.E. Ulloa,
G. Medeiros-Ribeiro, and P. M. Petroff

, 674 (2003)


S. Lindemann, T. Ihn, T. Heinzel, W. Zwerger, K. Ensslin, K. Maranowski, and A. C. Gossard

195314 (2002)


S. Lindemann, M. Banninger, T. Ihn,  T. Heinzel, S.E. Ulloa, K. Ensslin, G. Hackenbroich, K. Maranowski, and A. C. Gossard

, 165317 (2002)


S. Lindemann, T. Ihn, S. Bieri, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, G. Hackenbroich, K. Maranowski, and A. C. Gossard

, 161312 (2002)


A. Dorn, M. Sigrist, A. Fuhrer, T. Ihn, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, W. Wegscheider, and M. Bichler

, 252-254 (2002)


A. Fuhrer, S. Lüscher, T. Ihn, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, W. Wegscheider, and M. Bichler


H.-O. Mueller, M. Furlan, T. Heinzel, and  K. Ensslin

, 253 (2001)


V. Senz, T. Heinzel, T. Ihn, S. Lindemann, R. Held, K. Ensslin,W. Wegscheider, and M. Bichler

, 3831 (2001)


A. Fuhrer, S. Luescher, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, W. Wegscheider, and M. Bichler

, 125309 (2001)


S. Luescher,  T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, W.Wegscheider, and M. Bichler

, 2118 (2001)


S. Oberholzer, E.V. Sukhorukov, C. Strunk, C. Schoenenberger, T. Heinzel, W. Wegscheider, and M. Bichler

, 2114 (2001)


T. Heinzel, R. Held, S. Luescher, K. Ensslin, W.Wegscheider, and M. Bichler

Review Article on AFM lithography
, 84 (2001)


U. Doetsch, U. Gennser, T. Heinzel, S. Luescher, C. David, G. Dehlinger, D. Gruetzmacher, and K. Ensslin

, 341 (2001)


V. Senz, T. Ihn, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, G. Dehlinger, D. Gruetzmacher, and U. Gennser

, 4357 (2000)


Ga As/GaAs quantum dots embedded in a two-dimensional electron gas

E. Ribeiro, F. Cerdeira, M.J.S.P. Brasil, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, G. Medeiros-Ribeiro, and P.M. Petroff

, 7994 (2000)


T. Heinzel, G. Salis, R. Held, S. L\"uscher, K. Ensslin, W. Wegscheider, and M. Bichler

, R13353 (2000)


V. Senz,  T. Heinzel, T. Ihn, K.Ensslin, G. Dehlinger, U. Gennser,  and D. Gruetzmacher

, R5082 (2000)


S. Lüscher, A. Fuhrer, R. Held, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, and W. Wegscheider

, 2452 (1999)


G. Salis, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin,  O.J. Homan, and W. Bächtold

, 7756 (1999)


G. Salis, P. Wirth, T. Heinzel, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin, K. Maranowski, and A.C. Gossard

, R5304 (1999)


M. Henny, S. Oberholzer, C. Strunk, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, M. Holland, and C. Schönenberger

, 296 (1999)


E. Ribeiro, R. Jäggi, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, G. Medeiros-Ribeiro, and P.M. Petroff

, 996 (1999)


R. Held, S. Lüscher, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, and W. Wegscheider

, 1134 (1999)


Y. Acremann, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, E. Gini, H. Melchior, and M. Holland

, 2116 (1999)


R. Held, T. Vancura, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, M. Holland, and W. Wegscheider

, 262 (1998)


E. Ribeiro, E. Müller, T. Heinzel, H. Auderset, K. Ensslin, G. Medeiros-Ribeiro, and P. M. Petroff

, 1506 (1998)


F. Simmel, T. Heinzel, and D.A. Wharam

, 123 (1997)


Z. Yu, T. Heinzel, and A.T. Johnson

, 13697 (1997)


R. Held, T. Heinzel, P. Studerus, K. Ensslin, and M. Holland

, 2689 (1997)


T. Heinzel, A.T. Johnson, D.A. Wharam, J.P. Kotthaus, G. Boehm, W. Klein, G. Traenkle, and G. Weimann

, 16638 (1995)


F. Hofmann, T. Heinzel, D.A. Wharam, J.P. Kotthaus, G. Boehm, W. Klein, G. Traenkle, and G. Weimann

, R13872 (1995)


T. Heinzel, D.A. Wharam, J.P. Kotthaus, G. Boehm, W. Klein, G. Traenkle, and G. Weimann

, 15113 (1994)


T. Heinzel, S. Manus, D.A. Wharam, J.P. Kotthaus, G. Boehm, W. Klein, G. Traenkle, and G. Weimann

, 689 (1994)


T. Heinzel, D.A. Wharam, F. de Aguiar, J.P. Kotthaus, G. Boehm, W. Klein, G. Traenkle, and G. Weimann

, 1220 (1994)


N. Adolph, T. Heinzel, M. Weidemüller, and H. Figger

, 15 (1992)

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Types of Dissertations & Guidelines

There are two ways to prepare and structure a dissertation (= written version of your doctoral project) at the Medical Faculty of HHU Düsseldorf: as a monograph or based on one or more publications. The form has no influence on the later evaluation of the dissertation.

This "classic" style can always be chosen, regardless of whether you have already published your results in a journal, want to publish them, or are not aiming for publication in a journal.

Chapter breakdown:

1.  Summary (in German and English) 2. Introduction 3. Material and methods 4. Results 5. Discussion (incl. conclusion)

Exceptions to the above outline are only permitted for dissertations from the Institute for the History of Medicine, as these have a fundamentally different structure.

In any case, the dissertation must be provided with a special title page and the format template for dissertations in accordance with the requirements of the doctoral regulations.

Prerequisite for this style is at least one undivided first authorship in an internationally recognised peer-reviewed journal listed on PubMed or ISI Web of Knowledge (PhD in Medical Sciences: at least two undivided first authorships and at least one co-authorship).

Chapter Breakdown:

  • Summary (in German and English)
  • Introduction
  • Publication(s)
  • Discussion (incl. conclusion)

Further methods, results or details not mentioned in the publication may be additionally listed in the publication-based dissertation.

The chapters Summary, Introduction and Discussion must be reworded and may not be copied from the publication. This also includes direct quotations from the publication.

Guidelines & Checklist Dissertations

  • Checklist for Dissertations (112 KB, pdf, 22.03.2024)
  • Guidelines for Preparation - Monograph (112 KB, pdf, 18.08.2020)
  • Guidelines for Preparation - Publication-based (115 KB, pdf, 18.08.2020)
  • Template as Appendix of Doctoral Regulations (415 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
  • Template as Appendix of PhD Doctoral Regulations (543 KB, pdf, 03.01.2024)
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Wiss. Mitarbeiterin

Delphine is french and studied agronomy in Nancy (FR). She made her Ph.D. in Quantitative Genetics and Plant Breeding at the University of Hohenheim (DE). She worked 16 years as a plant breeder in a plant breeding company in France and Germany before she came to the HHU. She is interested in plant breeding, population and quantitative genetics, genome-wide prediction, and trait improvement in maize, barley, and potato

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Benjamin completed his Ph.D. in 2007 at the Chair of Applied Genetics and Plant Breeding at the University of Hohenheim, where he studied linkage disequilibrium in maize. In 2008, he started an independent research group on Quantitative Crop Genetics at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne. Between 2012 and 2016, Benjamin was working as senior maize breeder for the French seed company Limagrain being responsible for developing early grain maize hybrids for Europe. Since 2016 he is full professor for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics of Plants at the Heinrich-Heine-University. His interest is to develop genetic tools and methods that facilitate the breeding process.

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Wiss. Mitarbeiter

Asis comes from Nepal and he studied MSc in agriculture resource management at University of Bonn. Later, he joined Plant Breeding group in Bonn for his PhD. During PhD study, he applied forward and reverse genetics approach to understand the genetic regulators of proline accumulation and drought stress adaptation in barley. His interest lies on the analysis of causal role of genes controlling quantitative traits in crops.

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Bonthala Venkata Suresh comes from India and completed his PhD at School of Computer Sciences at The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK. During his PhD, he analyzed transcriptional dynamics of Bambara groundnut under low-temperature stress condition and identified low-temperature stress associated genes and gene modules. Later he joined Plant Genome & Systems Biology (PGSB) group at Helmholtz Zentrum München, Munich, Germany. During his stay at PGSB, he applied various computational methods to study the pan-genome of Barley.

In his present position at our group, Suresh will mainly work on an EC-funded project “Rewiring photorespiration using natural and synthetic pathways to sustainably increase crop yield (Acronym: GAIN4CROPS )”. As part of the project, he will assemble and annotate several Asteraceae species using both short and long-read sequencing technologies. Please log on to http://gain4crops.eu/ for more details about GAIN4CROPS.

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Senem comes from Turkey and studied statistics in Samsun (TR). She made her PhD in Biostatistics at the Ondokuz Mayis University & Hacettepe University. During her PhD, she worked on different Machine Learning algorithms for genetics data. She has been working on machine learning and big data aspects since her Erasmus time in 2015. Her interest is on usage of mathematical models and algorithms for genetics. Her focus is on unbalanced data sets and missing value problems.


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Biology master's student at HHU, focusing on plant research with a special interest in bio-informatics. Main emphases in the past included topics like systems biology, biotechnology, plant physiology, evolutionary biology, mathematical modeling, and statistical analysis. Currently working on the Master thesis: "Presence/absence variation in the barley genome - validation and phenotypic consequences", which is about the characterization and validation of presence/absence variation (PAV) in a diverse set of spring barley genotypes. Subsequently, investigating the possibility to link the validated structural variation data to phenotypical differences. This will be achieved mainly by PCR validation, association studies, and additional data analysis.

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Nadia is from northern areas of Pakistan. Before landing in Prof. Stich’s group as a  Ph.D. candidate, she worked as a research assistant in CGSBL lab stationed at LUMS University Pakistan. During her stay there, she worked on De novo genome assembly of two pakistani mango varieties. She holds a masters degree in Bio-informatics from COMSATS University Pakistan. Her Ph.D. research centers on development of genomic tools for potatoes aiming to recast the conventional ways of breeding and genome selection process.

After the completion of her degree program, she aspires to go back to her country and to motivate the young females to work in the field of Bioinformatics.

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Francesco is from Palermo, Italy. He received his BSc in Agronomy from the University of Palermo and then moved to the University of Bologna where he obtained the MSc in Agricultural Sciences with a curriculum focused on plant biotechnology. After a research experience in England, focused on the study of necrotic mutants, he joined our group, where he is currently pursuing his PhD.

His field of research includes the study of both coding and non-coding sequence in barley genome. With regard to the coding DNA, his objective is to identify and characterize genes responsible for the control of quantitative traits involved in production performance. While regarding the non-coding region, his research is focused on the study of transcription factor binding sites with the aim of obtaining a genome-wide knowledge of their locations and to understand how their polymorphisms affect gene expression.

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Yanrong is from China. She received her BSc degree from China Agriculture University. During her bachelor studies, she got interested in plant breeding and genetics, then she went to Wageningen University and received a MSc degree majored in Plant breeding and Genetic resources. In her Ph.D. project, she focuses on investigating the genetics of photosynthesis-related parameters and yield-related traits in barley to contribute to global food security.

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Since his bachelor's degree in biology at the HHU, Marius has increasing interest in bioinformatics and quantitative genetics and genomics in particular. After developing a tool for fine-grained mutation simulation, he is now assessing methylation variation in barley within the frame of his master's project.

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During her Bachelors studies in Quantitative Biology at HHU and the University of Cologne, Amelie developed a special interest for bioinformatics, quantitative genetics and plant sciences. She has a particular interest in deepening her knowledge of bioinformatics and utilising it towards the improvement of crop plants. For her master and PhD she is now working on developing novel approaches to locate causative genetic variants and improve GWAS trait prediction.

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In the last year of his bachelor’s degree in Düsseldorf, Alessio discovered his passion for bioinformatics and chose all his upcomming courses as well as his bachelor thesis topic to be about bioinformatics. Later then, through his job as a biometrican/data scientist analysing clinical trials using R, he discovered his passion for statistics. For his master thesis, Alessio combines both interests and will focus on phenomic selection on potatos which is a relatively new breeding approach similar to genomic selection except that genotyping is replaced by spectral data.

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Maria has a background in plant sciences, molecular biology, plant breeding, and microbiology with Bsc and MSc from the Universities of Rostock and Kiel. In her Ph.D. project, she focuses on the identification and characterization of a resistance gene against the barley yellow dwarf disease in maize.

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Po-Ya received a dual bachelor degree in Agronomy and Finance and a master degree in Biostatistics from National Taiwan University, Taiwan. During her master study, she focused on the issue of assessing the hybrid performance of pumpkin by genomic selection. The main goal of her Ph.D. project is to develop new statistical models for genomic selection adapted to tetraploid potato and to optimize the potato breeding scheme using genomic selection.

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Techn. Assistentin

Stephanie works as a technical assistant in our group. After her apprenticeship, she studied biology in Bonn. Afterwards she decided to continue labwork and to support the projects of her colleagues. Her main focus is RNA and DNA extraction from plants like Brassica, maize, potato and barley. 

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Techn. Assistentin (Elternzeit)

Anja graduated from Rheinische Akademie Köln in 2016 and started working as a technical assistant for our group directly after that. She is involved in the organization and cultivation of our maize and barley experiments.

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Konstantin was born in Astana, Kazakhstan. He completed his bachelor's degree at the Czech University of Agriculture in Prague. He obtained his master's degree in crop production at the same university in 2014. As part of his thesis, he carried out experiments about genotype and environment effect on yield and quality of colored flesh potato tubers. From 2015 to 2022 he worked as a breeding technician at Saatzucht Steinach. There he gained a lot of experience and knowledge in plant breeding, field trials, technology and methods of analysis of forage and lawn grasses.

Julian initially focused on the topic of evolution in his biology studies. In his bachelor thesis he dealt with the evolution of plant cell wall components. Since evolution research also has a lot to do with database work and programming, he developed a strong interest in these methods. For his master thesis, he therefore wanted to combine his knowledge of plant genetics with bioinformatics. His current project is the programming and further development of a plant breeding database.

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Before Joel went to HHU University, he trained as a biological-technical assistant. Even then, he liked genetics and statistics the most. During his bachelor's degree, he became interested in bioinformatics and decided to write his bachelor's thesis at the Institute of Quantitative Genetics and Genomics of Plants. In his bachelor thesis, he investigated barley root traits under field conditions and ecological strategies. Now he is investigating the genetic architecture of panicle length and potential gene loci for quantitative traits.

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Kathrin received her bachelor’s degree in Quantitative Biology at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf in cooperation with the University of Cologne.  During her studies she focused on the field of bioinformatics and statistics, which she liked very much.  In her master thesis, she can deepen her knowledge of these methods and combine it with new insights in plant genetics, as she focuses on genomic prediction and genome-wide association mapping in potato.

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Gadi studied Biology in Cologne where he completed his Bachelors Degree in plant physiology and secondary metabolism. For his Master degree he was brave enough to leave Cologne for Düsseldorf and never regereted it since they have Carnival here too. While his Master studies he advanced his knowledge of plants, molecular methods and statistical analysis. Today he works with barley looking for promising gene loci for quantitative traits.

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Anjali is from Sri Lanka. She completed her bachelor's degree in Plant Biotechnology at the University of Colombo. For her bachelor's thesis, she worked on urea deep placement technology to reduce urea input in rice cultivation. With her developed interest in field experiments and working towards food security and sustainable agriculture, she decided that plant breeding is the most exciting research area to carry out her MSc and PhD studies. Currently, she is studying for her MSc with a focus on quantitative trait loci related to variation in spike length and spikelet number in barley. The end goals of her PhD studies are the fine mapping of selected quantitative trait loci and identification and validation of candidate genes.

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Folgende Dissertationen wurden bei Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. S. Läer angefertigt:

40. Dr. rer. nat. Maira Anna Deters. Effective and optimized pharmaceutical care of patients with diabetes provided by community pharmacists. Degree: “Magna cum laude”. Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2023)


39. Dr. rer. nat. Haidara Majid. Oromucosal drug delivery: Implementation of standardized and physiologically relevant ex vivo permeation studies in preclinical drug development. Degree: “Magna cum laude”. Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2021)


38. Dr. rer. nat. Imaneh Farahani. Patientenorientierte Lehre in der Klinischen Pharmazie: Objektive strukturierte klinische Untersuchungen zum Training der Patientenberatung. Degree: “Magna cum laude”. Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2021)


37. Dr. rer. nat. Samieh Farahani. Innovation in der Lehre der Klinischen Pharmazie durch videobasierte Lehransätze mit Blended Learning und Flipped Classroom– Blutdruckmessung–. Degree: “Magna cum laude”. Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2021)


36. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Feickert. Bioanalytical evaluation of the neuropeptide Substance P in human plasma using a chemometrically developed and validated mass spectrometric assay. Degree: “Magna cum laude”. Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2021)


35. Dr. rer. nat. Ilja Burdman. The development and validation of a bioanalytical hybrid approach to determine active renin and its precursor utilizing high-resolution mass spectrometry. Degree: “Magna cum laude”. Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2021)


34. Dr. rer. nat. Tanja Gangnus. Reliable mass spectrometric techniques for new insights into the kallikrein-kinin system – modern bioanalytical peptide quantitation of an endogenous cascade. Degree: “Summa cum laude”. Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2021)


33. Dr. rer. nat. Fabian Konstantin Süßenbach. The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System in the Paediatric Population: Reliable Highly Sensitive Bioanalytical Investigations via Immunoassay and Innovative Multiplex High-resolution Mass Spectrometry. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2020)


32. Dr. rer. nat. Andrea Ines Ciplea. Krankheitsmodifizierende Therapien in der Stillzeit – Daten aus dem Deutschen Multiple Sklerose und Kinderwunschregister. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2020)


31. Dr. rer. nat. Muhammad Faisal. Model dependent pharmacokinetic analysis of enalapril following the administration of novel child-appropriate orodispersible mini-tablets. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2020)


30. Dr. rer. nat. Mohsin Ali. Bioanalytical method performance verification concept for cardiovascular research in pediatrics: From development to application in clinical trials. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2020)


29. Dr. rer. nat. Susanne Rau: Auswirkungen von Rabattvertragsarzneimitteln auf die Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit (AWATAR-Studie). Degree "Cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2019)


28. Dr. rer. nat. Nina Makowski: Development and validation of a low-volume LC-HRMS assay for the analysis of aldosterone, its precursor and main metabolite tailored for paediatric research in a GCLP-compliant environment. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2019)


27. Dr. rer. nat. Cristina Castro Díez: Paediatric Heart Failure Pharmacotherapy: a Europe-wide Survey Study and a Delphi Process. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2018)


26. Dr. rer. nat. Agnes Maria Ciplea: Implementation and evaluation of new training concepts for clinical teams to facilitate quality of sampling for sensitive pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic substances, applied within a multicentre paediatric study project. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2018)


25. Dr. rer. nat. Julia Christina Anna Schäfer: Development and validation of low-volume assays as a tool for the reliable determination of parameters associated with the renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system in clinical investigations of children and adults. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2017)


24. Dr. rer. nat. Muhammad Fawad Rasool: Development and Evaluation of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinnetic Drug-Disease Models for Carvedilol in Adults and Children by Using Population Based Simulations and Real Data. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2016)


23. Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Thiel: Die Anwendung von Interferon-beta, Glatirameracetat und Natalizumab in der Schwangerschaft - eine prospektive Kohortenstudie aus dem Deutschen Multiple Sklerose und Kinderwunschregister. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2016)


22. Dr. rer. nat. Carina Schäfer: Development of a Combined Pharmacokinetic Model for Lacosamide and its Metabolite for Integrated Pharmacokinetic Modeling in Humans. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2015)


21. Dr. rer. nat. Björn Burckhardt: Child-appropriate analytical technologies as key elements for pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic investigations of drugs acting on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Degree "Summa cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2015)


20. Dr. rer. nat. Benjamin Ehlers: Untersuchungen über Empfehlungen zu Funktionen von elektronischen Verordnungssystemen für KinderDosierung.de. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2015)


19. Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Lüpken: Die Exposition von Tacrolimus in gesunden Erwachsenen und transplantierten Patienten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Pharmakogenomik. Degree "Cum Laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2014)


18. Dr. rer. nat. Emina Obarcanin: Pharmaceutical Care of Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: DIADEMA Trial: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2014)


17. Dr. rer. nat. Anna Laven: Development of Quality-Assured Pharmaceutical Counselling in Self-Medication based on the Example of the Common Cold: Evidence-Based, Patient-Centered, Structured and Applicable to Every Day Practice. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2014)


16. Dr. rer. nat. Feras Khalil: Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling in Pediatric Drug Development and Research - Methodology, Applications and Limitations. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2014)


15. Dr. rer. nat. Winnie Vogt: Drug therapy for low cardiac output syndrome in paediatric patients with open heart surgery: Characterisation, paediatric needs assessment and optimisation. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2014)


14. Dr. rer. nat. Sergej Ramusovic: Innovative Approaches to Cardiovascular Drug Trials and Pharmacotherapy in Children. Degree "Summa cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2013)


13. Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Gorny: Entwicklung eines elektronischen Verordnungssystems  mit Entscheidungsunterstützung unter Berücksichtigung der besonderen Anforderung der Pädiatrie als Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit bei Kindern. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2013) 


12. Dr. rer. nat. Anne-Kristina Frobel: Untersuchung der Pharmakokinetik von Bisoprolol bei Kindern in einer Klinischen Studie und mit physiologiebasierter Simulation als Konsequenz aus einem systematischen Cochrane Review und als Beitrag zur Optimierung zukünftiger Studien. Degree "Summa cum laude", Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2010)


11. Dr. rer. nat. Linda Hsien: Identifying paediatric needs in cardiology and the prediction of sildenafil exposure in children with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2010)


10. Dr. rer. nat. Stephanie Röhm: Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit für Dextromethorphan in der Selbstmedikation - ein Beitrag des Apothekers zur personalisierten Arzneimitteltherapie. Degree "Cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2009).


9.  Dr. rer. nat. Andre Breddemann: Quantitative Pharmakologie: Simulation von virtuellen Kindern zur Optimierung der antiviralen Pharmakotherapie. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2008).


8.  Dr. rer. nat. Stefanie Albers: Einsatz von Biomarkern und in-silico-Verfahren für klinische Arzneimittelstudien bei Kindern am Beispiel von NT-proBNP und Carvedilol. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2006).


7.   Dr. rer. nat. Jan-Peer Elshoff: Pharmakokinetik und Pharmakodynamik von Sotalol bei Kindern mit tachykarden Herzrythmusstörungen und Entwicklung einer intravenösen Mikrodialysetechnik zur blutentnahmenfreien Bestimmung von Sotalolplasmakonzentrationen. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Chemistry, University of Hamburg (2005).


6.   Dr. med. Jan Arndt: Pharmakokinetik und Pharmakodynamik einer Niedrigdosis-Amiodarontherapie. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Medicine, University of Hamburg (2004).

5.   Dr. med. Ina Wauer: Pharmakokinetik einer Sotaloltherapie von tachykarden Rhythmusstörungen bei Kindern unterschiedlicher Altersgruppen. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Medicine, University of Hamburg (2004).

4.   Dr. med. Freerk Remmers:  Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Funktion, Signaltransduktion und Expression der 5-Hydroxytryptamin-Rezeptoren am Myokard von Mensch und Ratte. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Medicine, University of Hamburg (2003).

3.   Dr. med. Sönke Marohn: Untersuchungen der Nt-proBNP-Plasmakonzentrationen bei herzinsuffizienten pädiatrischen Patienten unter besonderer Berücksichtigungder antikongestiven Therapie mit zusätzlicher Carvedilolgabe. In cooperation with the Department of Pediatric Cardiology. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Medicine, University of Hamburg (2002).

2.   Dr. rer. nat. Frederike Behn: Pharmakokinetik, Pharmakodynamik und Pharmakogenetik von Carvedilol in Abhängigkeit vom Lebensalter bei pädiatrischen Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz. Degree "Summa cum laude". Faculty of Chemistry, University of Hamburg (2001).

1.   Dr. med. Martin Liebau: Versuche zur Wechselwirkung zwischen Sotalol und Colestyramin bei Menschen. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Medicine, University of Hamburg (1999).

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Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Master of Science

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Short description

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science are the driving forces behind the fast-paced advances in digitalisation and automatisation that will change our everyday life. This two-year Master's programme focuses on the theoretical foundations of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science and their applications to real life problems. Specialised lectures guide you the way to specific research areas, such as natural language processing, computer vision, and analysis of biological/medical data. Central to this programme are machine learning methods and their applications, with strong focus on deep learning.

 Choosing from a range of elective courses you can tailor the programme to your personal interests. As a graduate of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science programme, you will have a solid understanding of the mathematical and statistical foundations of AI related research. You will also have a good overview over state of the art algorithms and an in-depth understanding of how to apply these algorithms to specific research problems. In addition, you will get the skills to carry out research in academic or R&D environments and to identify how techniques of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science can provide solutions to data-based IT problems in industry.

Entry/Admission requirements

The course has restricted admission. A prerequisite for starting studies is a first university degree, with the required necessary background education as determined in the exam regulations.

In brief, you need a Bachelor's degree in either Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Electrical Engineering or a related area, whose curricula include the modules Analysis I + II, Linear Algebra I, and Stochastics I that together comprise 30 ECTS and were taught at a level that corresponds to the level for computer scientists at HHU (see the FAQ for details). The examination board determines whether you fulfil the entrance requirements.

 The final grade of your bachelor's degree must be between 1.0 and  2.5 with respect to the German grading system. You can convert grades to the German system by using the 'Bavarian Formula'.

 For a degree course that is mainly in English, student applicants who have not obtained their academic qualification at an 'English-language institution', or not hold a Bachelor Degree/Masters Degree that was completely taught in English, or who are not English native speakers must prove sufficient fluency in English. The following language certificates are accepted:

 a) Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL), Paper-based (min 500 points), Computer-based (min 200 points), or Internet-based Test (IBT, or IBT@Home, min 80 points),

b) IELTS test with a score of at least 6.0.

c) Cambridge B2 First Certificate, formerly known as Cambridge English: First (FCE)

d) Cambridge Linguaskill B2

e) German Abitur certificate, showing that English has been constantly taken as a subject and passed with the grade of "sufficient" up to the end of the qualification level 1 (grade 11 at G8-Abitur, otherwise grade 12).

Programme content

Obligatory subjects:


Mathematical and Statistical Foundations of Data Science

Advanced Programming and Algorithms

Machine Learning

Deep Learning

Lab rotation I

Lab rotation II

Master Thesis

Elective subjects (not all of them are always available):


Methods of Artificial Intelligence in Life Science

Generative Models and Sampling Methods

Algorithmic Game Theory

Computational Linguistics

Relational Databases and Data Analysis

Data & Knowledge Engineering

Markov Chains

Neuroimaging and Precision Medicine

Philosophy of Intelligence

Statistical Data Analysis

Statistical Learning

Introduction to Logic Programming

Master Seminar Advances in Data Science

Natural Language Processing

Numerical Methods for Data Science

Introduction to Linear Optimization

Reinforcement Learning

Spoken Dialogue Systems

Topological Data Analysis

Information Theory

Spectral Graph Theory and Graph Signal Processing

Seminar Advanced Mathematical and Numerical Methods in Data Science


The program includes two Lab Rotations (6 weeks each) where students carry out practical work at Research Groups inside or outside HHU or in R&D environments at companies. The 6 weeks workload (10 ECTS) for a Lab Rotation need not to be taken in one block. The time a student need to be physically present at the Lab can be negotiated with the supervisor. Lab Rotations are offered by all lecturers that give courses within the Master s Program and selected groups at the Jülich Research Center (e.g. the Jülich Supercomputing Centre). Students must get in contact with Research Groups or R&D departments well ahead before the Lab Rotation starts. The supervisors of the Lab Rotation select among applicants based on their suitability for the project.

Students can apply to any research group that offers data science projects for a Master Thesis (6 Months).

Ideally, the thesis should be carried out in one of the two groups where a Lab Rotations has been completed. Students are co-supervised by a member of the chosen research group and a lecturer of the Master's Programme.

It is recommended that students choose courses that are related with respect to their content. Possible focus areas listed below.

A specialisation at the early stage of a Master s can be of advantage when applying for jobs, Grad Schools, and PhD programs that have similar focus.

Possible focus areas:

1) Natural Language Processing

2) AI Methods

3) Life Sciences

4) Mathematics & Statistics

Programme structure

Semester 1:

- Mathematical and Statistical foundations of Data Science

- Advanced Programming and Algorithms I

- Machine Learning

- Deep Learning

Semester 2:

- Advanced Programming and Algorithms II

- 3 elective subjects

- Lab Rotation I

Semester 3:

- 4 elective subjects

- Lab Rotation II

Semester 4:

- Master thesis & seminar

See also Study Program

Programme objectives/Career prospects

Data Scientist, AI specialist

Examination regulations

Module guide

Dr. Peter Arndt

For questions regarding the course of studies and for examination issues:

Student and Examination Administration Contact Examination Administration

Student Services Center (SSC)

Offers for prospective students


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  1. Universität Düsseldorf: Doctoral Research

    Please send documents and records of ongoing doctoral procedures (e.g. lists for the examination board, appointment sheets, revision sheets, reviews, blocking notices, certificates of obligatory copies, informal requests) only digitally to: [email protected]. Doctoral examinations. Oral doctoral examinations at our faculty are always held in ...

  2. Universität Düsseldorf: Doctorate Regulations and standard forms

    The doctoral regulations. The Doctorate Regulations form the basis for all doctoral procedures. Please observe the instructions in the appendix to the Doctorate Regulations. This contains a template for the title page and the second page of the dissertation. Current Doctorate Regulations (English, 15.06.2018)

  3. Universität Düsseldorf: Publishing the dissertation

    Bewerbung und Einschreibung für Studiengänge der Math.-Nat.-Fakultät Open next level Close next level. Freie Studienplätze im Koordinierten Nachrückverfahren; Zulassungsbeschränkte ("NC"-)Bachelorstudiengänge der Math.-Nat.-Fakultät ... The dissertation must be published within one year of successfully passing the oral examination.

  4. Universität Düsseldorf: Doctoral studies at HHU

    To start such a doctoral project, you first need to find a supervisor at HHU. The supervision of a doctoral thesis is an individual agreement between the doctoral researcher and the supervisor. In some faculties at HHU (e.g. Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences) an additional supervising professor is mandatory.

  5. HHU

    HHU Math.-Nat. FakultätMathematik Mathematik an der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät Die Mathematik ist seit Tausenden von Jahren eine der großen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen.

  6. Universität Düsseldorf: Admission for doctoral studies

    The time period for recognition procedures varies depending on the department; candidates should generally plan for 2-4 weeks. Please consult your faculty or the relevant Doctorate Regulations regarding the exact requirements and rules on the procedure for admission to doctoral studies. In general, applicants not native in German also need to ...

  7. PDF Der sichere Weg zur erfolgreichen Veröffentlichung Ihrer Dissertation

    Ihrer Dissertation an der Math.-Nat.-Fakultät Unter Punkt 8 meiner Homepage finden Sie genaue Informationen bzw. den Link zur ULB Erledigt, dann bitte abkreuzen - Konvertieren Sie die gesamte Dissertation in das Format "PDF/A-1b", am besten mit dem Programm "Acrobat Professional" von Adobe (genauer: darin das "Preflight"-Modul).

  8. Universität Düsseldorf: Theses

    Theses. At the Institute of Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Chemistry, you can start a Bachelor's, Master's or Diploma thesis at any time. The topics are based on current research fields of the working groups. You can find the diploma and doctoral theses written at the Institute for Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Chemistry here.

  9. Universität Düsseldorf: Dissertations and habilitations

    Dissertations and habilitations. Depending on the applicable doctoral regulations, you may be required to submit print copies of your dissertation to ULB or to publish your dissertation online via ULB's document server. After submitting the required number of copies or uploading the corresponding file, we perform a formal check and issue ...

  10. Universität Düsseldorf: Theses

    Theses. On this page, you will find all the important information about bachelor, master and project theses at our chair. In addition to our research topics and start-up ideas under "Topic selection", there are currently also topics in cooperation with external institutions, companies and start-ups to choose from.

  11. Universität Düsseldorf: Veröffentlichung der Dissertation

    HHU Math.-Nat. Fakultät PromotionVeröffentlichung der Dissertation Veröffentlichung der Dissertation Mit der Anforderung der Gutachten bekamen alle Berichterstatter einen Revisionsschein zugeschickt.

  12. Universität Düsseldorf: Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

    Study programmes Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Master of Science. Biochemistry Bachelor of Science. Biochemistry Master of Science. Biochemistry International Master of Science. Biology Bachelor of Science. Biology Master of Science. Biology - One year (MBIO1) Master of Science.

  13. Universität Düsseldorf: Bachelor and Master Theses

    HHU Math.-Nat. Fakultät Physik Chair Prof. Hidding Teaching and ThesesBachelor and Master Theses. ... Our research takes place at the interface of laser, plasma and accelerator physics. A mas­ter thesis (phys­ics, or med­ical phys­ics) in our group is typically centred on exploiting, and contributing to, experimental, theoretical and ...

  14. Universität Düsseldorf: Mathematik

    Mathematik an der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät. Die Mathematik ist seit Tausenden von Jahren eine der großen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen. Die Erkenntnisse, die sie gewonnen hat, und die Strukturen, die sie untersucht, sind abstrakt-gedanklicher Natur, stellen aber dennoch ein wesentliches Hilfsmittel zur Beschreibung und ...

  15. Universität Düsseldorf: Publikationen

    Pu­bli­ka­tio­nen. Hier fin­den Sie eine Liste von aus­ge­wähl­ten Pu­bli­ka­tio­nen. (Hin­weis: Be­nut­zen Sie Strg+F zur Suche nach Stich­wor­ten). Eu­ro­phys. Lett. 97, 28008 (2012) Eu­ro­phys. Lett. 61, 674 (2003) Eu­ro­phys.

  16. Universität Düsseldorf: Types of Dissertations & Guidelines

    Types of Dissertations & Guidelines. There are two ways to prepare and structure a dissertation (= written version of your doctoral project) at the Medical Faculty of HHU Düsseldorf: as a monograph or based on one or more publications. The form has no influence on the later evaluation of the dissertation.

  17. Universität Düsseldorf: Team

    Etage/Raum: 01.053. +49 211 81- 13396. E- Mail sen­den. Del­phi­ne is french and stu­di­ed agro­no­my in Nancy (FR). She made her Ph.D. in Quan­ti­ta­ti­ve Ge­ne­tics and Plant Bree­ding at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ho­hen­heim (DE). She work­ed 16 years as a plant bree­der in a plant bree­ding com­pa­ny in Fran­ce and Ger ...

  18. Universität Düsseldorf: Promotion

    Bewerbung und Einschreibung für Studiengänge der Math.-Nat.-Fakultät Nächste Ebene öffnen Nächste Ebene schließen. ... HHU Math.-Nat. FakultätPromotion. ... Spätestens drei Monate nach Aufnahme der Arbeit an der Dissertation muss die Doktorandin/der Doktorand ihr/sein Promotionsvorhaben schriftlich bei der Dekanin/dem Dekan anmelden ...

  19. Universität Düsseldorf: Dissertationen

    31. Dr. rer. nat. Mu­ham­mad Fai­sal. Model de­pen­dent phar­ma­co­ki­ne­tic ana­ly­sis of en­alapril fol­lo­wing the ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on of novel child- appropriate oro­di­sper­si­ble mini- tablets. De­gree "Magna cum laude". Fa­cul­ty of Ma­the­ma­tics and Sci­en­ces, Uni­ver­si­ty of Düs­sel­dorf. (2020 ...

  20. All Courses of Study at Heinrich Heine University

    Languages and cultural studies. Art Mediation and Cultural Management. Master of Arts. German (partially: English) Languages and cultural studies, Law and economics. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. Master of Science. English. Natural sciences, mathematics, computer science.

  21. Universität Düsseldorf: FAQ

    Studying at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Open next level Close next level. Courses of Study; Bewerbung und Einschreibung für Studiengänge der Math.-Nat.-Fakultät Open next level Close next level. Freie Studienplätze im Koordinierten Nachrückverfahren; Zulassungsbeschränkte ("NC"-)Bachelorstudiengänge der Math.-Nat ...

  22. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in profile

    Studying at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Open next level Close next level. Courses of Study; Bewerbung und Einschreibung für Studiengänge der Math.-Nat.-Fakultät Open next level Close next level. Freie Studienplätze im Koordinierten Nachrückverfahren; Zulassungsbeschränkte ("NC"-)Bachelorstudiengänge der Math.-Nat ...

  23. Universität Düsseldorf: Course Information

    Entry/Admission requirements. The course has restricted admission. A prerequisite for starting studies is a first university degree, with the required necessary background education as determined in the exam regulations. In brief, you need a Bachelor's degree in either Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Electrical Engineering or a related ...