1. PPT

    contrastive analysis hypothesis strong and weak version

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    contrastive analysis hypothesis strong and weak version

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    contrastive analysis hypothesis strong and weak version

  4. (PDF) A review study of contrastive analysis theory

    contrastive analysis hypothesis strong and weak version

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    contrastive analysis hypothesis strong and weak version

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    contrastive analysis hypothesis strong and weak version


  1. The Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis

    Actually the contrastive analysis hypothesis may be stated in two versions, a strong version and a weak version. In this paper the claim. will be made that the strong version is quite unrealistic and impracticable, even though it is the one on which those who write contrastive analyses. usually claim to base their work.

  2. (PDF) The Survival of Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis: A ...

    Abstract —The contrastive analysis hypothesis is one of the theories that has considerably impacted second. language acquisitio n research. Since the 1970s, this theory, which had piqued the ...

  3. PDF The Principles and Methods of Contrastive Analysis

    "Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (对比分析假说)" exists in two versions, a strong one and a weak one. While the two versions are equally based on the assumption of L1 interference (一语干扰作用), they differ in that the strong version claims predictive power while the weak version, less ambitiously, claims merely to have ...

  4. The Principles and Methods of Contrastive Analysis

    2.1.2 The Strong and Weak Versions of Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis Contrastive analysis (对比分析) has been discussed with regard to its role as a predictive device. Wardhaugh ( 1970 , pp. 123-130) suggests that the so-called " Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (对比分析假说) " exists in two versions, a strong one and a weak one.

  5. PDF DOCUMENT RESUME The Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis. Mar 70 NOT' 1970

    Actually the contrastive analysis hypothesis may be stated in two versions, a strong version and a weak version. In this paper the claim wilt be made that the strong version is quite unrealistic and impracticable, even though it is the one on which those who write contrastive analyses usually claim to base their work. On the other

  6. ERIC ED038640: The Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis

    It exists in strong and weak versions, the strong one arising from evidence from the availability of some kind of metatheory of contrastive analysis and the weak from evidence from language interference. The strong version of the hypothesis is untenable and even the weak version creates difficulties for the linguist.

  7. The Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis.

    The Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis. Ronald Wardhaugh. Published 1 June 1970. Linguistics. TESOL Quarterly. The claim that the best language-teaching materials are based on a contrast of the two competing linguistic systems has long been a popular one in language teaching. It exists in strong and weak versions, the strong one arising from ...

  8. (PDF) The Survival of Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis: A Look Under the

    The contrastive analysis hypothesis is one of the theories that has considerably impacted second language acquisition research. Since the 1970s, this theory, which had piqued the interest of both linguists and teachers, has been heavily criticised. ... Moving on from this, they continued to vindicate why the strong version and the weak version ...

  9. A Review of Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis with a Phonological and

    It exists in strong and weak versions, the strong one arising from evidence from the availability of some kind of metatheory of contrastive analysis and the weak from evidence from language ...

  10. PDF A Review of Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis With a Phonological ...

    A REVIEW OF CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS HYPOTHESIS 35 therefore, wherever patterns are minimally distinct in form or meaning in one or more systems, confusion may result" (p.186). From the strong version too the moderate version, the popularity of contrastive analysis has been reduced drastically by criticism and new

  11. The Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis and Spelling Errors

    The implications of three versions of the contrastive analysis hypothesis (CAH) are explored. The strong and weak forms are rejected in favor of a more moderate version which predicts the results o... Skip to Article Content ... Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Learn more. Copy ...


    the weak version, and the moderate version. The strong and weak versions of contrastive analysis hypothesis (CAH) have been depicted in the works of Wardhaugh (1970), Brown (1987), and Gass and Selinker (2008). For Wardhaugh the strong version of CAH is the version that claims to predict the difficulties of second language (L2) learning based ...

  13. Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis and Second Language Learning

    It exists in strong and weak versions, the strong one arising from evidence from the availability of some kind of metatheory of contrastive analysis and the weak from evidence from language ...

  14. An Overview of Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis

    Theoretical foundations of CA are investigated, some strong claims in the area of language teaching are characterized as the contrastive analysis hypothesis, and strong versus weak and moderate are investigated too. Abstract. Contrastive analysis of hypothesis also called CA is the comparison of the linguistic system of two or more languages and it is based on the main difficulties in learning ...

  15. The Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis and Spelling Errors

    The implications of three versions of the contrastive analysis hypothesis (CAH) are explored. The strong and weak forms are rejected in favor of a more moderate version which predicts the results o...

  16. Contrastive analysis

    Contrastive analysis was used extensively in the field of second language acquisition (SLA) in the 1960s and early 1970s, as a method of explaining why some features of a target language were more difficult to acquire than others. According to the behaviourist theories prevailing at the time, language learning was a question of habit formation, and this could be reinforced or impeded by ...

  17. PDF The Role of the Strong Version of the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis

    The finding suggested that the strong version of the CAH was found invalid in predicting the participants' acquisition of the consonants in production. Keywords: Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH), consonant, EFL, fricative, production, pronunciation, strong version 1. Introduction

  18. PDF Contrastive analysis: A valid concept in the 21st century?

    Under the umbrella of contrastive analysis hypothesis (CAH) three versions are distinguished, namely the strong version, the weak version, and the moderate version. The strong and weak versions of contrastive analysis hypothesis (CAH) have been elaborated in the works of R. Wardhaugh (1970), H. D. Brown (1987) and

  19. A Historical Development of Contrastive Analysis: A ...

    The contrastive analysis hypothesis is one of the theories that has considerably impacted second language acquisition research. ... The strong version of the hypothesis is untenable and even the ...

  20. An Overview of Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis

    Keywords: contrastive analysis hypothesis; applied Contrastive analysis; modern CA; Strong version; weak version. _____ 1. INTRODUCTION AND REVİEW OF THE LITERATURE Contrastive analysis hypothesis is an area of comparative linguistics which is concerned with the comparison of two or more languages to determine the differences or similarities ...

  21. [PDF] A Historical Development of Contrastive Analysis: A Relevant

    Contrastive analysis (CA) was primarily used in the 1950's as an effective means to address second or foreign language teaching and learning. In this context, it was used to compare pairs of languages, identify similarities and differences in order to predict learning difficulties, with the ultimate goal of addressing them (Fries, 1943; Lado, 1957). Yet, in the 1980's and 1990's the ...

  22. Exogeneity tests and weak identification in IV ...

    The preceding analysis highlights the inherent limitations of exogeneity tests in identifying the endogeneity of regressors, particularly in situations of weak identification. This underscores the need for a comprehensive assessment not only of the relative performance between OLS and 2SLS estimators, but also that of pretest estimators which ...

  23. Tests of general relativity

    The strong equivalence principle of general relativity requires universality of free fall to apply even to bodies with strong self-gravity. Direct tests of this principle using Solar System bodies are limited by the weak self-gravity of the bodies, and tests using pulsar-white-dwarf binaries have been limited by the weak gravitational pull of ...

  24. The contrastive analysis hypothesis and spelling errors

    The implications of three versions of the contrastive analysis hypothesis (CAH) are explored. The strong and weak forms are rejected in favor of a more moderate version which predicts the results ...