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Persuasive Essay Examples

50 free persuasive essay examples (+best topics).

There are plenty of persuasive essay examples available online and you can access them to learn more about what this type of essay is all about. Persuasive essays explain a topic while trying to persuade the readers that your perspective is the most logical, valid, and informed one about the topic. Read on to learn more about persuasive essays before looking through sample persuasion essays.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Persuasive Essay Examples
  • 2 What is a persuasive essay?
  • 3 Persuasive Writing Examples
  • 4 Elements of persuasive essay
  • 5 Persuasive Paper Examples
  • 6 Choosing a topic for your essay
  • 7 Persuasive Essay Samples
  • 8 Creating the outline of persuasive essay examples
  • 9 Tips for writing persuasive essay examples

Free persuasive essay example 01

What is a persuasive essay?

A persuasive essay which is also called an argumentative essay is a type of written document that’s academic in nature. Here, you use reason and logic to convince the reader of the legitimacy of your perspective. Therefore, you must use clear arguments and support these with logical reasons and compelling facts.

Persuasive Writing Examples

Free persuasive essay example 10

Elements of persuasive essay

Persuasive writing examples make use of reasons and logic to make them more persuasive. When you write your own persuasive essay examples, you must convince your readers to adopt your point of view or to take a specific action. To do this, you must present solid arguments using facts, examples, and quotes from experts.

If you want to come up with an effective and well-written persuasive paper example, make sure to include these elements:

  • Introduction and thesis statement An essay isn’t complete without an introduction. Here, you provide an explanation for the relevant points of your chosen topic to help the readers understand your position. Keep in mind that any argument can have many aspects. Therefore, you should give as many details and information about the specific aspects you plan to discuss in your essay. As for the thesis statement, you would include this as the very end of your essay’s introduction.
  • Supporting facts Provide facts to support your point of view in the sample persuasion essay. These facts may include statistics, the information you’ve researched, excerpts from academic journals or publications, and quotes from experts. Don’t forget to cite all of the facts properly.
  • Proof for your arguments When presenting the facts in your persuasive writing examples, make sure to follow a sequence which strengthens your argument. Start with the least relevant facts and move up to the most important ones. When explaining these points, follow the same sequence so as not to confuse your readers. The first argument you prove must be the first issue that you stated in your thesis statement. From there, build your explanations all the way to the main point of your essay.
  • Conclusion This is the last part of your persuasive essay. Don’t just think of this as a summary. Instead, you must use it to explain why you’ve written the essay in the first place. This creates a stronger paragraph which helps persuade the reader.

Persuasive Paper Examples

Free persuasive essay example 20

Choosing a topic for your essay

Although you may know the definition of a persuasive essay, do you know what it means and how to create one correctly? Before you even start writing persuasive essay examples, you must choose a topic for your essay first. This is the first step in writing any essay.

When you’re assigned to write a persuasive paper example, how do you choose a topic? There are so many options for you to choose which you can take from the various areas of study. Once you’ve chosen your topic, format your title as a question. This gives you a good basis to defend and express your opinions.

If you’re feeling stuck and you can’t think of a good topic, you can go online and search for one. Write down all of the topics which “speak” to you before making a final choice. Having more options will give you a better idea of what a persuasive essay calls for.

Finally, you should select a topic which inspires you but which also provides you with a wide range of materials to research. There’s no point in writing a persuasive essay about something which you don’t believe in. Otherwise, you won’t feel compelled to create persuasive arguments.

Persuasive Essay Samples

Free persuasive essay example 30

Creating the outline of persuasive essay examples

Persuasive essay examples must achieve a balance between ethos, pathos, and logos. This convinces the readers to think carefully about your point of view and even go as far as adopting it. But how do you create an effective persuasive essay? What comes after the topic and title?

The next step in the essay writing process is to come up with an outline to serve as your essay’s structure. Here are some tips for creating the outline:

  • Introduction Provide some background about the topic you’ve chosen. Indicate your main argument and create your thesis statement.
  • Body In the paragraphs following your introduction, provide your arguments and the facts you have researched to support them. Make sure that you do a lot of research, especially if you want to create a compelling and persuasive piece of writing. Choosing the arguments, reasons, and facts that you want to include in your essay involves a lot of careful consideration. You should only choose those which you believe make your essay stronger and more convincing.
  • Conclusion If you want your conclusion to be as organized and readable as the rest of your essay, make this a part of the outline too. That way, you know exactly how to approach writing your conclusion when the time comes.

Free persuasive essay example 40

Tips for writing persuasive essay examples

Once you’ve already understood what sample persuasion essays are all about, it’s time to start writing your own. It may take some time before you can start writing more fluidly but if this is your first time to write such an essay, here are some tips to guide you:

  • Start by reading the instructions of your assignment regarding the persuasive essay you must write. If you have the freedom to choose the topic to write about, then you may want to look at different persuasive writing examples to get inspiration. Remember, choose a topic that you’re interested in, one which inspires you.
  • Before you start with your research, make a list of all the facts you know about the topic you’ve chosen. Then create another list, this time containing your opinions and ideas about the topic. Arrange these points according to how important you see them.
  • Now it’s time to reflect on what you’ve written. Think about why you have these opinions. You must first clarify your views so that you don’t get overwhelmed by all the information you come across when you do research.
  • Try to think of your own perspective on the topic. In doing this, you can come up with a draft of your thesis statement to reflect your view in a concise manner.
  • The next step is to start doing research. Use different sources to give you a broader perspective regarding your topic. From library books to academic sources to online journals and more, there are so many resources available.
  • As you’re doing research, take note of the things you want to include in your essay. If you can find facts which support the information you already know about your topic, all the better! The point of doing research is to collect enough information to strengthen the statements you include in your persuasive essay.
  • After researching, go back to the thesis statement you’ve created. If you think that it’s still relevant, keep it. But if all of the information you’ve gathered makes your thesis statement seem weak, revise it. Think of another thesis statement which is more compelling and thought-provoking.
  • Create an outline for your essay . After your research, you would have a better idea of the overall content of your essay. Try to come up with a clear outline to guide you as you write the content.
  • The next step is to go through all of your notes. Organize the information according to relevance. If you’ve already placed the points you want to discuss in your outline, search for information about those points and put them together. Make sure that all the points in your outline have clear facts and explanations.
  • Finalize your outline after organizing all of the information you have at your disposal. This makes it easier for you to follow when you start writing your essay.
  • Most people start writing their essays with the introduction. But for some, they prefer to write the body of the essay before writing both the introduction and the conclusion. Either way, use the outline and the notes you’ve gathered to help guide you.
  • When writing your essay, make sure to include the following: Definitions of key ideas or terms. Descriptions and analyses of specific examples included in your essay. Summary and evaluations of conflicting opinions about the topic. Comparisons and contrasts of the examples you’ve given and how they relate to the thesis statement. Connections of the examples to each other and to the main idea.
  • If needed and if appropriate, use a lot of quotations from experts. Just make sure that they support your arguments and analyses.
  • Cite all information you use properly. Follow the citation format required by your assignment or your professor.
  • Before printing, emailing or submitting, make sure to proofread your essay to ensure that it doesn’t contain any errors.

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WTO / Education / 30 Great Persuasive Essay Examples | Guide & Tips

30 Great Persuasive Essay Examples | Guide & Tips

A persuasive essay , or argumentative essay , is one in which you use logic and arguments to convince or persuade your readers to agree with a specific opinion or idea.

A good one employs excellent research and choice of words to strongly present the writer’s opinion and convince the readers to agree with it.

To write one, you must research thoroughly, write convincingly, and arrange your points succinctly. This article will gain more insight into the prewriting stage, the writing stage, and the editing stage. You will also learn winning tips that will help you write outstanding examples.

Persuasive Essay Examples

Great Downloadable Family Travel to Beijing Persuasive Essay Example as Word Format

Fundamentals of Writing a Great Persuasive Essay

To write a great persuasive essay, you need to follow the outlined writing process. Below are tips for each stage of the writing process:

Prewriting stage

This stage is critical to the success of your writing. At this point, you plan the different parts of the essay.

These are the steps to take:

Choose a position you’re passionate about

Choose a topic and select the position you would love to advocate for. It would help if you chose a side you believe in, as that will make the research, writing, and argument more personalized. Opting for a topic you strongly believe in will make the defense easy. Also, because you are knowledgeable on the subject, you will not have issues with the research.

Understand the audience

To write a unique essay, you need to consider your audience. Remember that your writing should be suited to your audience. Check whether they are knowledgeable and inclined to believe your arguments. If you’re writing for a semi-literate audience, using high-sounding words will be ineffective as they won’t understand you. Instead, make it easy, simple, and easy to understand.

Research both sides thoroughly

You must thoroughly research the different sides of the argument to put up a convincing essay example. By researching both sides, you will discover points for and against the opinion and the loopholes in the different opinions. Utilize your school’s resources, such as a library, reference materials, and academic journals.

Identify convincing evidence

After conducting your research, select the most convincing evidence, as it will form the basis of your essay. Also, discover the significant points for the opposite team.

Create a working outline or structure

In this stage, you must create a working structure that will guide your essay. To do this, you must think critically about the pros and cons of your argument and note the places to put forward your most robust evidence.

Your outline will also keep you organized from the beginning, with supporting facts, figures, and pieces of evidence. So, for each point, you must outline the significant facts and research to support it. A working outline also helps you define your argument concisely and logically to make your writing process more manageable.

Here is a good sample outline to use:

Introductory paragraph

  • Get your readers’ attention with a hook: A hook is the one big idea that hooks your audience. It can be a significant promise, quotation , unusual statistic, question, premise, or argument that will keep your readers engaged with your essay.
  • Provide an overview of the argument: After writing the hook, the next step is to outline the argument.
  • Close with the statement: Close by providing a thesis statement that reveals the position of the argument.

Body paragraphs

  • Each paragraph should tackle one part of the evidence.
  • Back up each paragraph with adequate supporting facts, figures, and pieces of evidence.

Opposing view paragraph

  • In the opposing view paragraph, explain and counter the significant points of the opposite view.

Concluding paragraph

  • In the concluding paragraph, reaffirm and re-emphasize the thesis and supporting points.

Draft your essay

After creating your outline, the next stage is to create an initial draft.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Open the Introductory Paragraph with a hook; your hook can be a quote, a story, a question, or a strong statement. For example, for an essay on education, you can use this hook. Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”
  • State the thesis statement clearly, concisely, and succinctly.
  • For each body paragraph, address one reason that emphasizes your point and provide strong evidence using research results, facts and figures , real-life examples, and quotable quotes from experts.
  • Make arguments using different means, like analogies, comparisons, and logic.
  • Define terms and give background information. Your readers may not be deeply knowledgeable about the subject. To carry everyone along, you must define terms and provide some background information.
  • Remember that the concluding paragraph must summarize the points and provide more credence to your argument. It can be a question, a plea, a recommendation, or a prediction that convinces your readers to believe your point and act in the direction you want.

How to Revise the Persuasive Essay

After scribbling your essay, the next step is to revise and review it. Remember, “The first draft reveals the art; revision reveals the artist.” ― Michael Lee. So, to refine it and take it to the next level, you must revise what you have written.

Here are some things to do when revising a persuasive essay:

Crosscheck your position on the issue

Here, you should check whether your position is coherent and well-captured. Check if your points are well explained with illustrations, analogies, and arguments. Also, check if the essay states a firm position on the topic and is backed up with adequate statistics, quotes, facts, and examples.

Review the opening

Check if the hook captures the topic and aligns with the points you want to make. Ensure the hook is captivating, persuasive, and intriguing.

Ensure coherence of paragraphs

Your paragraphs should be coherent. They should have logical evidence, supporting analogies, and illustrations. In addition, your paragraphs should be legible, brief, and concise.

Confirm validity of refutation

Verify whether you refuted the opposing views convincingly with enough evidence to support your ideas while revising.

Review the formal structure

Check for the formal essay structure. Are the paragraphs well outlined? Do the paragraphs address only one issue? What’s the word choice like? Are the paragraphs coherent and readable? Are the sentences well-written and clear?

Food for thought in the concluding paragraph

Verify if the article persuades the reader to think and act in the manner in which it is concluded.

Persuasive Essay Topics

To further assist you in your writing, we will provide you with different and appropriate topic examples.

Here are some topics you can write on:

  • Should people be forced to take the Covid-19 vaccine?
  • Is the American dream a reality or a myth?
  • Are eBooks better than physical books?
  • Should under 18 children have any abortion rights?
  • Should abortion be abolished?
  • Should same-sex couples be allowed to adopt children?
  • Should there be limits to free speech?
  • Is religion the opium of the masses?
  • Should classes on emotional intelligence be part of the curriculum for high school students?
  • Should wealthier people pay more taxes?
  • Is the keto diet a safe way to lose weight?
  • Is feminism equal to misandry?
  • Should paternal leave be made compulsory?
  • Should human cloning be encouraged?
  • Does artificial intelligence portend great harm in the future?
  • Is social media a curse or a blessing?
  • Is the quality of marriages eroding?
  • Is society losing its long-upheld values?
  • Is marriage a curse or a blessing?
  • Should euthanasia be abolished?
  • Should financial education be part of the curriculum?
  • Do violent TV shows and games encourage violence in real life?
  • Should social media be banned for under-aged children?
  • Does nature or nurture play a greater role in shaping an individual?
  • Can we change our behavior?
  • Can science be a tool of destruction in the world?
  • Should student loans be forgiven?

Persuasive Essay Outline Examples

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Tips for Writing a Persuasive Essay

Although writing a persuasive essay is an interesting and easy task, there are a few considerations that, if kept in mind while writing, can make the end result perfect.

Following are some effective considerations for writing a persuasive essay:

Write with integrity and empathy

To write an award-winning essay, you must employ ethos (integrity or ethics), pathos (empathy), and logos (logic). First, your writing must appeal to ethics. Second, you must convince your readers that you are writing from an ethical standpoint. That means your position must be correct. Third, disagree with ethically wrong opinions.  More so, it would help if you appealed to emotions. You ought to awaken your reader’s anger, sadness, or sympathy through your essay. Your points should also be logical and supported by supporting facts and research.

Proofread and correct errors

After putting down a well-written essay, you should ensure it is grammatically correct by proofreading and correcting errors. You can use online tools as well to correct your write-up.

Key Takeaways

  • A persuasive essay entails convincing your readers of a particular opinion.
  • It is a significant part of life today and appears in ads, marketing campaigns, political manifestos, newspapers, and magazines.
  • However, to write a convincing one, you must be thoroughly versed and passionate about the topic.
  • You must also state your point convincingly, with supporting research and facts to back up your points.
  • This write-up has provided you with well-written points on persuasive writing. Working with them will help create convincing essays.

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Jake Adams

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200 word persuasive essay

Writing a Great 200-Word Essay (Tips & Examples)

While some students often struggle to write longer essays and come up with enough words to hit the required word count, others are challenged to write shorter ones. In fact, 200-word essays are among the toughest to write as students must convey a complicated message in four short paragraphs. In this article you will find effective tips on how to write a great 200-word essay, as well as some examples.

Here’s How to Write a 200-Word Essay

  • Step 1: Understand the Prompt : Clearly understand what the essay is asking. Identify the key points or questions you need to address. Jot down your thoughts, facts, or arguments related to the topic. This step is about gathering content, not worrying about the word limit.
  • Step 2: Create a Thesis Statement : Develop a clear thesis statement that encapsulates the main idea of your essay. This statement will guide the direction of your essay.
  • Step 3: Plan Your Essay Structure : Organize your thoughts and knowledge on the topic into an introduction, body, and conclusion. Given the word limit, plan for a brief introduction and conclusion (about 40-50 words each) and a more substantial body (100-120 words).
  • Step 4: Write the Introduction : Start with a hook to grab attention, then briefly introduce your topic and end with your thesis statement.
  • Step 5: Write the Body : Focus on 1-2 key points that support your thesis. Provide evidence or examples for each point, explain your ideas. Be concise and avoid over-elaborating.
  • Step 6: Write the Conclusion : Summarize the main points and restate your thesis in a new way. Avoid introducing new information.
  • Step 7: Edit and Revise : Review your essay. Ensure each word serves a purpose. Check for clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Remove any unnecessary words or phrases. Check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Ensure you’ve met the word count requirement. Read your essay aloud to ensure it flows well and makes sense. Make any last adjustments.

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check our 200-word essay templates and examples below. These will help you create your paper by giving you an idea of the format and writing style to use.

Here are Some 200-Word Essay Examples

Essay example #1 (the impact of technology on modern education), essay example # 2 (the power of music in cultural unification), essay example #3 (the meaning of friendship), general essay writing tips, ✅ brainstorm ideas.

Take another look at the prompts for the essay to gain a deeper understanding of the topic at hand. Make sure you fully understand what your teacher expects before starting to write. Don’t jump into writing an essay blindly without understanding what the paper is supposed to be about. The document may be 200 words, but it still needs a compelling structure like any other essay. Take advantage of all the other fundamentals of essay writing, you know. Create an attention-grabbing introduction and introduce a new idea with each paragraph.

✅ Choose an Appropriate Topic

Choosing a topic you know about and familiar with is vital for any essay, especially a short one. Write your paper on something that means something to you or is otherwise essential to you. Choosing an appropriate subject helps you create an authentic and excellent piece. Your essay reflects your familiarity with the issue. A perfect quality paper increases your chances of achieving your goal, such as landing a scholarship.

✅ Do Some Research

Be sure to dedicate some time to researching the subject. Understand the topic at hand. Doing research gives you the information you can use to write a better essay backed up with facts and figures to convince the audience to your way of thinking.

✅ Give Yourself Enough Time

Be sure to take your time when writing the essay and think about the prompt. Create a plan and draft and revise them to put together the best possible paper. Essays and personal statements that you take the time to write correctly are sure to stand out and improve your chances of success.

You don’t have much room to play with for a 200-word essay. As such, you should keep things brief and avoid using jargon and complicated terminology. Stick to direct and efficient language to send your message.

✅ Have a Thesis Statement

The thesis statement covers the main themes of an essay. The statement introduces readers to what they should expect from the piece. You can develop a short, two-sentence statement after creating an outline for the paper. This statement should introduce the purpose of the essay, so having an outline in mind helps to create one. This statement also gives you something to refer back to when writing the essay.

✅ Write the Introduction

Once you’ve created a thesis statement and written the body of the essay, go back and write a compelling introduction. The introduction fascinates readers and encourages them to keep reading. Busy openings discourage people from reading and send the wrong message. Use an exciting story, quote, summary, revelation, or other hooks to start your paper and introduce the topic. Your hook should tie into the thesis statement.

✅ Write the Essay Body

The essay body is the bulk of the text. This is where you describe your topic and make your arguments. The body is where you discuss the main ideas identified in your outline. Each paragraph in the body introduces one new concept or idea. Don’t forget to give each section an introductory sentence and ensure they serve a purpose.

Explaining the themes and ideas of the essay comes after this introductory sentence. Be sure to back up your claims with credible sources and information. Cite any material you reference or quotes you use according to the assigned essay format.

✅ Stick to the Word Count

The desired word count is one of the most essential parts of writing an essay. If your piece comes with a word limit, then make sure that you respect that word count and convey your message in an appropriate number of words. Slight deviations are acceptable, but don’t severely under-write or over-write your essay. Also, avoid repeating information covered in companion pieces, such as a resume. The paper should be brief and written with perfect grammar. Go through the essay and correct grammar and spelling mistakes.

✅ Write a Conclusion and Proofread the Essay

Make sure the points of your essay are appropriately organized. Avoid writing too much in the paper, or you risk losing control of the writing. Your essay conclusion summarizes the paper and the main points covered. The conclusion should be no more than five sentences long.

Don’t introduce any new ideas during the closing statements. With that said, you can restate your thesis statement. Some people like to write conclusions by restating the introduction. When finished, go through the paper and correct any mistakes or other issues you find.

The Key Features of a Short Essay

  • Thesis Statement . The thesis statement is crucial to any essay, no matter how long it is. However, how you formulate that statement can change. This statement should be placed in the first three sentences of the essay. Ensure that your thesis statement appears at the start of the essay.
  • Opening Sentences . Each new paragraph must begin with a topic phrase. Approach the topic sentences from different angles and choose the most persuasive argument to create the most substantial opening sentences in a 200-word essay.
  • Supporting Phrases . Writing such a short essay means ensuring each paragraph has supporting evidence that backs up the main arguments. However, avoid using over-long sentences or wordy facts to save room in the piece. Remove quotes that don’t add to the paper.
  • Conclusion . Cover the thesis statement in the conclusion and provide a summary of the paper.

How to Reduce Word Count For a 200-Word Essay

Writing a 200-word essay is a challenge for students and professionals. Summarizing a complex idea in 200 words is a challenge for anyone. One way to approach the issue is to write a longer essay and then remove words to bring it down to 200. If your paper is longer than 200 words, you need to go through it and remove unnecessary words and sentences. Here are some tips on how to reduce the word count in a 200-word essay.

  • Highlight key sentences you need in the essay and remove ones that aren’t.
  • Single out and remove unnecessary words to ensure the essay only contains essential data.
  • Evaluate the essay to see if sentences are connected to your main point or not. Delete any unnecessary sentences.
  • Simplify long and complex sentences into simpler and shorter ones.

Writing a 200-word essay is more complicated than it sounds. We hope you understand how to write such a short essay correctly with our advice. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact the best essay writing services if you still need help writing essays of any length, not just 200-word essays.